Sign-up opens at 20:00 hrs on April 7. This is a day Hike in Co. Louth. We will meet on Saturday, April 12, at 05:30 at Connolly Station or 07:45 at The Long Walk, Bus Stop, Dundalk. Return to Dublin City Centre around TBD. Please read the full description before signing up. Once you purchase your place, download the FULL itinerary and maps from the Download link on the confirmation page/email. You must also have the Telegram app to communicate before and during the hike. Please use the same phone number in your purchase.
Sign-up opens at 20:00 hrs on April 21. This is a day Hike in Co. Wicklow. We will meet on Saturday, April 26, at 07:00 at Tara Street Station or 08:15 at the entrance of Bray Train Station. Return to Dublin City Centre around TBD. Please read the full description before signing up. Once you purchase your place, download the FULL itinerary and maps from the Download link on the confirmation page/email. You must also have the Telegram app to communicate before and during the hike. Please use the same phone number in your purchase.